Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Force to be Reckoned With

 Speaking power to all my relations:

I honor my great-grandmother, Mary.  Born into spirit - into enduring, strict and difficult relationship with God. Born into simplicity. I imagine that her family was connected to spirit, that their faith was constant and easy; I imagine that I get my dreams from some hereditary river of spirit, going back to the old-order Amish. I can’t help but idealize her life - a life immersed in spirit, a life so separate from the “world” that connection to God was palpable.  In reality, after she was swept into the “English” world, she and my great-grandfather were shunned and turned away forever by their families and community. They could never go back. This doesn’t speak to me of an easy faith, no matter how palpable.

I name Mary: Pathfinder

I honor my grandmother, Isabelle. A smile and beauty that turned heads and hearts. A revelation that is difficult: my grandmother was schizophrenic. Recently, I asked mom if she thought schizophrenia was just a way of explaining the unknown, that maybe some people really can see things the rest of us can’t. Mom was adamant – she lived her own mom’s disease as a child. Grandma Izzy could not mother my mother, and my mom suffered for it, along with her brother and sisters. But, I still wonder. Mom says Grandma Izzy talked to Jesus Christ, sometimes maybe thought she was Jesus Christ. I wonder why we question this. Being a generation removed from the pain, my reality is that I believe in ambiguity.

I name Isabelle: Seer

I honor my mother, Victoria. A remarkable intelligence, faith without question, and a will to overcome any obstacle. An extraordinary mother - mom has a miraculous gift for mothering. She’s a minister, a chaplain, a leader – called to lead as a teenager. I believe mom got a gift from Grandma Izzy’s disease – she can overcome any obstacle. At 71, she walked across England, the entire island, dipping her feet in the ocean on either side. She is a powerful and strong, indomitable and faithful woman.  

I name Victoria: Leader 

I honor my daughter, Shey. Limitless capability, beauty and strength. When Shey was born, I knew her already – she turned out to be a little soul I remembered, what a surprise! I’ve been learning from her ever since. Shey has the capability and intelligence to do anything she puts her mind to. At 20, she has just finished circumnavigating the earth, bringing the world into our lives in ways I never imagined. With a will to rival Victoria’s and an ability to easily cross unspoken boundaries, Shey will take us places we can’t imagine now. She tests the waters, jumps in and takes us with her. Alaska is not big enough to hold Shey.

I name Shey: Adventurer

I honor Brenda. An ambi soul, willing to jump over convention to see what’s on the other side. Her curiosity and openness take her over the edge - her connection to spirit carries her to the other side. She honors dreams and has the strength and will to lead others to follow visions, but she will voice Cassandra to follow a difficult dream alone without looking back. She stands with her feet on either side of deep chasms and sees far in all directions.

 I name myself: Pathfinder, Seer, Leader, Adventurer, Visionary

 Mitakuye Oyasin

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